
The Insane And Infrequent Ramblings Of thetribe

Entries for the ‘Beetle’ Category

Reverse, Reverse

 A nice leisurely ride out this morning with Bev, no pushing at all, well not for me anyway :-) We did my usual 20 miler but in reverse, with a stop for coffee and a bacon & egg sandwich. .

Little Red Bike

Didn’t think it felt very fast out there today but blitzed my best loop time by almost 3 mins, canny! .

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do… #dubluv #restorebug #bugtribe

Nope, no dead relationships here, just the break down and part restore of one poorly Beetle. Started off with a failed MOT and a nasty list of things that could and have gone wrong, holes in the floor, inner wing and sills of the poor thing. Once I saw all those I decided that a […]

The Walk of Life

The only thing that title has in common with this post is that it just came on the radio when I opened up this page so I thought what the hell… Well, what’s happened since last time? My back is better, that’s a good start. LoGOz have been back on the road and in the […]

New Local Band & Radio Station & Favourite Radio Show

There is a new local band on the scene, the band is LoGOz and is made up of a couple of lads from work on guitars and a drummer. I sit in on practices and make sure they can keep their sound consistent, I’m an unofficial sound man. May not sound important but when the […]

New Year but no new changes here

Still as infrequent as ever, don’t panic. Quick update since last post, Ashington lost to Grimsby but we had a great day anyway. They’ve progressed in the FA Vase though and we’ve had away days, last one to Milton Keynes, and have another one on 12th Feb, 300 mile trip to Gloucestershire. Disco Bus warmed […]

Good Job It Says Infrequent…

Been a while again, I should set this up to set out an apology at the top of each new message ;-) New job is great, did 10-6 for a while then they decided it wasn’t working the way they wanted so moved us to 07:30-15:30, works great for them, not so great for us […]


I must remember to update this at normal times and not when lying in bed and not tired. New job is going great, makes a huge difference knowing what jobs I’m on daily and knowing what my days off will be. My long weekend this weekend, although I’m on holiday next week so slightly longer […]

Cycling and Beetling

Well, after knocking out my first set of leisure miles on April 1st I’ve managed to complete the #Apr100 with days to spare, I’m currently sitting at 119.79 leisure miles. That combined with the 77 miles I’ve so far done for work means I have a nice mixed leisure and work total of 196.79 miles, […]

Perfect Sunday?

Well it must be close to it, that’s for sure. A nice lie in till 08:30ish and started the day with coffee in the sun in the garden, where, even at that time of day, the thermometer in the sun trap was recording almost 30deg. We did a Sound of the Suburbs morning, where I […]

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