
The Insane And Infrequent Ramblings Of thetribe

Entries for the ‘Main’ Category

Strange Day!

I’m sitting here, on a Saturday night, watching football. What the hell is going on, I don’t get the TV on a Saturday night!! Oh, that’s because Bev has gone away for the weekend with friends from work, I can watch whatever I want, providing I don’t forget to record Strictly Come Dancing and X […]


Naked Gun that is, own up, how many of you are here because of what the tweet told you? Bev is currently on 2pm-2am shift so the girls have been choosing the evening entertainment the last few nights, started with Tenacious D in the Pick Of Destiny and ending with the 3 Naked Gun films. […]

New Theme, New Beginning

Yeah right, if you believe that you’ll believe anything ;-) Ok, so I’ve been doing a lot of work with WordPress lately on another site and decided I was a bit embarrassed that my theme was so old it didn’t know what widgets were. I’ve updated it and now just need to add a few […]

Why Hello There!!

Been a while, not ready to spill everything that’s happened in full so I’ll summarise . Bad back, as last time I posted, now better. Bereavement and arsehole step family, no more to say!!!! Holiday in Wales, oh yeah! :-) Return to work, bloody busy, hoping back stays better ;-) Wedding Anniversary and a trip […]

Lazing Around!

Enforced lazing that is, I’m officially on the sick due to a bad back. It has meant me sitting around all day on my laptop but it does mean I’ve had a sort of productive time. So far I’ve fiddled with a site I’m designing, spent a day trying to get it working with some […]


Damn and Bugger!! I seem to have knacked my back, I have no idea how I did it but I felt it overnight and took painkillers before setting off to work this morning. Informed the boss as soon as I got in and told him I’d let him know how I got on and if […]


Well that’s July gone and what a month. Jade’s birthday, 18, bloody hell!!, my birthday and 155 leisure cycling miles. August has begun with a washout, after finally getting Bev to agree to come out for a cycle with me the bloody heavens opened. I’m not too bothered about the rain if I’m out and […]


Old is how I seem now, won’t say feel as I don’t feel old. But today my little girl (she’ll always be that) turned 18, I’ll say it again EIGHTEEN!! Where did the time go. She has been out with her friends tonight, we surprised her with a Limo to take her and her friends, […]

Curse of the Internets

Found out today a friend died, that wasn’t the worst part though, sadly he died in November but I just found out today. Granted we weren’t bosom buddies, we met via a love of AC/DC and participating in a newsgroup, he lived in the North East like me. Dave Ritchie was his name and he’d […]

What A Weekend

I had intended blogging my weekend away while I was actually away but the WordPress app on my iPhone decided to play up and not let me access my blog and I’ve just now got round to adding this post :) The Saturday was a good day, we went off to Scarborough in the morning, […]

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