
The Insane And Infrequent Ramblings Of thetribe

Entries for the ‘Main’ Category

Wasted Day!

Well, I’d planned a 40 mile or so ride for today. Forecast was good and Bev was at work all day so the plan was to head up to Alnmouth, with a flask of coffee and some cake to enjoy the day. Woke up with a splitting headache and feeling “squiffy”, my technical term. Decided […]

Perfect Sunday?

Well it must be close to it, that’s for sure. A nice lie in till 08:30ish and started the day with coffee in the sun in the garden, where, even at that time of day, the thermometer in the sun trap was recording almost 30deg. We did a Sound of the Suburbs morning, where I […]

Fun Times

Had some fun since I last spoke here, got to see some bands, drive the Beetle and ride my bike, hey maybe not exciting to some but good for me. Pics will be added at the end. Bands were The Blisters and The Half Cuts, bands from Ashington, both containing Posties. The Blisters were ‘headlining’ […]

No Job Change

Just a quick update for anyone that didn’t see my tweet the other day, sadly I didn’t get the job I was interviewed for. I got a nice rejection email though:- Thank you for attending the recent interview for the above position, we enjoyed meeting you. I regret that on this occasion we will not […]

Holiday, Beetle and Interview

Had a busy week! Last Friday Bev and I took a trip South to Lincolnshire, Woodhall Spa to be exact, to the Bainland Country Park where we met up with our friend Andrew, who travelled North from Watford. We had a fantastic, quiet, weekend doing not much more than eating and drinking :D The food […]


We’ve done it, we’ve only gone and bought a VW Beetle. It’s a birthday present for Bev, she’s always wanted one and as it’s a special birthday this year it’s what I wanted to get her. I originally wanted a 1971 car but you can’t be picky when what seems to be the right car […]

No News Is Good News…

Or so they say, hope so as I’ve not heard a thing about the job I applied for. Damn post went weird there, posted itself and thought it was November. I couldn’t find it when I went to fix the error.


Before I start with my stuff I’d like to offer my congratulations to our friends Mike and Debbie, The Morgans, who are celebrating the birth of their first child, a beautiful baby girl, Megan Elizabeth Gabriel, 7lb 8oz, born at 5.10am on 5th February 2011. Congratulations to you both, enjoy the sleepless nights ;-) 2011 […]

I Did It!

Closing date for that job application mentioned in the last post was midnight last night, as of 23:52 I officially applied, now I just have to wait for contact, good or bad.

Bye bye 2010, hello 2011, better late than never.

Quick update, in 2010 I cycled 470 leisure miles, hoping to double that this year with the #20111k, 1,000 Km in 2011, however I want to do 1,000 miles. Christmas came and went with happy kids, success :-) New Year came and went very quietly, not like our usual NYE. Work was very very busy […]

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