New Job
After 4 years as a 20 hour reserve float postie, which meant no set day off and no set duty, just whatever I was placed on, I have had my hours upped to 33 and have a set float of my own. This means I cover the days off of posties on the same 5 duties every week. This also means that once every 6 weeks I will get my long weekend, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
I’ve never actually worked only 20 hours, always more and for a time between November last year and the end of March this year I averaged 44 hour weeks, so the work has been there, however the downside to a 20 hour contract is holidays and sickness, you only get paid the flat 20. At least now I will get paid for 33 hours during holidays :) It also means I now know I’m near the top of the pecking order for if a full time position appears, which is even better :-D
I love my job but it was getting to the stage where the overtime was going to dry up, we’re getting new machines in that should cut down on some work and we’ve also just hired more part-timers so less chance I’d be needed to work days off. Whereas we don’t need the extra money to pay bills and such, it always comes in handy to live rather than just survive. Any overtime worked has always paid for things like take-aways, cinema visits and a little thing called The Beetle :-D
As well as the new job we now have new start and finish times, last letter has gone from 2pm to 3pm so my new hours are 8:30am-3pm Mon-Wed, 8am-3pm Thu/Fri and 7:30am-1:30pm Sat, they’ve let us keep our earlier finishes on a Saturday for now but it will change later in the year.
So in summary, new job & new duty = happytribe, later finish times = sadtribe, but more happy than sad. :-)
May 21st, 2011 at 19:01
How long before you’re called in early though? ;-)