Bike Challenge
I’ve joined a challenge for the month, the June 100, to see if we can cycle 100 leisure miles each in the month of June. Launched by Phill Connell and taken up by quite a few now, check it out
So far this month, 3 days in, I have done ‘0’ leisure mile, ouch. I have however done 18 commute miles, I’ve never logged my commuting/working miles before as I didn’t think it was much, but it is showing to be quite a few. I may hit the 100 in commute but know I will have to work really hard to hit 100 leisure. Hopefully the leisure miles will start tomorrow and over the weekend as Bev is working all weekend and for now I am off Sat & Sun. :)
I will be trying to log my rides using the iMapMyRide app on the iPhone, providing my solar charger will keep my iPhone charged and not stop charging while I’m not looking :) Link here to my rides, , including manually mapped commutes as I don’t have time to keep fiddling with the iPhone before during and after work.
Anyway, if you want to join go to the link above and send Phill a message and pile on more pressure ;)
June 3rd, 2010 at 22:21
Ummm I’ll pass this time…Couldn’t you have gone for something easier like the June 25 then increased to the July 26? ;-) I really should get my bike out sometime…wonder if it’ll be ok after all these months…