Happy New Year
To One And All!
A great night was had at our house last night, my sisters and their families came over to see in the New Year, nothing rowdy just some karaoke and Wii fun, excellent! :) A good year was 2007 what with my new job and all so hopefully 2008 will be just as good :)
Well, that’s Christmas and New Year done and dusted and normality will soon settle back in. Although Bev is now spending any overtime I make on stuff for the house instead of Christmas presents, getting stuff quickly before the overtime ends and we go back to ‘normal’ paydays. This working as a postie lark has been great for the kids, not so good on my back though, but there’s no way they’d have had a Christmas like they did without my overtime. Yeah we’d have got them the good stuff they wanted but we may have struggled for ‘normal’ things, but we managed to sort Christmas without really touching Bevs pay this year so I wouldn’t say we struggled at all.
I’m unsure how long the overtime I’m doing at the moment will last, I imagine I’ll be on my early starts all the while I’m covering my current duty but once the regular guy gets back then who knows. If I do end up going back to my regular hours (10:15 – 14:15) I’m really going to miss the early starts (and the extra money) It’s great getting in early and sorting the mail before going out, not only because of the satistfaction that you’re doing the whole job yourself and not relying on other people but the banter in the depot in the morning is great. You miss all that when you do the part time hours, you’re just coming in as the others are going out on delivery so you get to say hello and not much more. You don’t really feel as much a part of a team as you do when you’re in early.
Right, well I am in early tomorrow so I’m off now even though yet again I have forgotten everything I wanted to say, goodnight all and again, Happy New Year :D