It’s Tree Time
Well, it’s that time of the year again when the tree goes up, this time I documented it for posterity, or because I wanted to play with the new flickr option on my phone, one of the two. :-) My Flickr Page is the place that you’ll find the photos if you’re interested, don’t feel you have to be ;-) Tree went up first thing this morning and then the lights were added but then we had to wait till all the kids were in for decorating. Bethany was at football and Jade was at dance so it was around 6pm when we finally got the chance to decorate, didn’t take long once we got started and now it’s all done apart from any tweaks Bev wants to do when she spots stuff out of place. :-)
And of course after the tree went up we had to watch a Christmas film, it’s tradition. This year it was Santa Clause 3, not a bad film, great for all the family and enjoyed by us all (even though Jade is too cool a teenager to say so I’m sure she enjoyed it ;-) )