I Rock
I Rock Originally uploaded by thetribe007 I love Guitar Hero but it only loves me on medium and kicks my ass on hard, so I’m sending this image from flickr firstly to test blogging a photo and secondly to show how much I rock at medium.
I Rock Originally uploaded by thetribe007 I love Guitar Hero but it only loves me on medium and kicks my ass on hard, so I’m sending this image from flickr firstly to test blogging a photo and secondly to show how much I rock at medium.
Been playing with my phone again and have now set up a flickr account to use with it. To make it easy (for me) to remember how to get to it I have set up a sub-domain with a PHP Header redirect, you can find my flickr gallery at http://flickr.the-tribe.me.uk. I will be uploading photos […]
…My Bag Is Getting Fat. Yup, I can tell Christmas is on its way, the amount of parcels to be delivered is out of this world. This week I have been mainly finishing at 4pm due to the amount of parcels added to the normal mail delivery. Oh and someone just happened to say today […]
This week has been very very busy. I think the mail centre has definitely been sending through everything that was held back during and after the strike, although the last 2 days weren’t so bad so hopefully we’re caught up now. The last 2 weeks have seen me doing 15 and 16 hours of overtime […]
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