Walk This Way
I’m still Postie Without Cause but I’ve added another string to my bow by completing 2 days on another duty, so that’s now 5 full duties I ‘know’ and another to be added to that next week. :) Hit a bonus the last 2 weeks too, your day off is linked to your duty so when I had my own duty I knew exactly when my days off were, with covering a new duty last week I asked about my day off and was told to take the one associated with the duty :- Bonus 1 – it was saturday. Asked about next week and again was told to take the day off associated with the duty :- Bonus 2 – yup, saturday again :) Two saturdays off in a row, how will I cope!! (Easily I guess :D )
I’ve decided this weekend that I should start adding album art to my MP3’s, never liked MP3’s with album art attached before but with having my MP3 player, which I use for work, and also liking the cover flow view in iTunes I decided I’d go for it. Am thinking now that it maybe wasn’t the best thing to start as iTunes reports that I have only 19,420 tracks, which left to play alone would last for 62.1 days and weighs in at 84.82gb :) I’ve currently cracked ‘A’ and ‘B’, working through the list as albums sorted alphabetically.
I really need to see about getting a network media player and free some of those from just being played on my computer, although turned up loud enough I can hear all round the house ;)
Finally congratulations to my nephew Ben and his partner, they have just become parents for the first time. Bev and I are Bens godparents and must have done something right over the years as he has asked us to be godparents for his son also. :D
Signing off with: [Open Your Eyes by Sum 41] from the album [Chuck] [02:30/2:44]