Jul.30, 2006 in
Added a few photos from the short break to my Gallery
Must begin to put all my photos back up there, although with around 5,000 photos in my photo folder I may have to choose carefully which ones are to be uploaded :)
July 30th, 2006 at 15:56
5000!? I’ve been taking digital photos since May 2001, and my collection is only about 1400 photos in size… well, minus a few I haven’t edited, and some I’ve taken for other people (so not kept myself). But still, you must be a very “happy snapper”. :)
July 30th, 2006 at 16:29
Yeah, well my first folder is 20030131 but I must admit the kids do go and snap anything and I never delete any. My dads little camera that we take away, as it fits nicely in a pocket, is 2MP and has a 1Gb memory card (don’t panic, never managed to fill it ;) ) :D